patent filing

What is the difference between provisional and complete specification

Patent filing plays a vital role in our country. patent is a protection granted by the national government for an invention. This protection excludes others from inventing, using or selling inventions for a period of up to 20 years. Many …

Patent registration in chennai

What are the features of Patent registration in Chennai

A patent registration in chennai is a privilege granted by the government to an inventor for an invention that is a new and innovative solution to an existing technical problem. Eligible for an invention for the patent with the following …

Patent registration in Adayar -Chennai

A patent can be register in India under the Indian Patent Act. A patent can have its registration by filing a patent application with the Indian Patent Office. The patent application may be a simple application, a National Phase application …

patent registration in chennai


Patent registration in Chennai is a restrictive right given for his innovation given to the patentee in return of his divulgence of development and how it functions. The restrictive rights incorporates option to abuse the creation economically and furthermore it …

Patent registration in Chennai

Patent registration in Chennai-T.Nagar

The Patent registration in Chennai says about the intellectual property rights. The documents are important for the patentee to apply for his patent. The patent registration in Chennai needs the documents so as to verify the patentee’s credentials. The forms …