Patent registration in chennai

What are the complications in filing a patent?

Patent filing in India is a serious task that requires years of experience and true technical knowledge of the subject. An application for a new invention novel is file for patent filing and the patent application has not been disclose …

patent filing

What is the difference between provisional and complete specification

Patent filing plays a vital role in our country. patent is a protection granted by the national government for an invention. This protection excludes others from inventing, using or selling inventions for a period of up to 20 years. Many …

Patent registration in chennai

What are the features of Patent registration in Chennai

A patent registration in chennai is a privilege granted by the government to an inventor for an invention that is a new and innovative solution to an existing technical problem. Eligible for an invention for the patent with the following …

Patent registration in Adayar -Chennai

A patent can be register in India under the Indian Patent Act. A patent can have its registration by filing a patent application with the Indian Patent Office. The patent application may be a simple application, a National Phase application …